Sunday, October 2, 2011

Cinnamon Rolls

I woke up this morning and decided to make some yummy cinnamon rolls! This recipe is nice because they only took 30 minutes to rise! While they were rising I made the frosting so that made it even better! I couldn't find my cinnamon roll recipe so I headed over to Our Best Bites and borrowed there recipe, and I think I'll actually keep it on file! It was such a simple process and she walks you through step-by-step. I had Phil roll out my dough, I so wish I could do it like he does! He made it into such a nice rectangle, and not too thin/or thick. I did use my own frosting recipe although:

3 cups of Powdered Sugar
1 pkg. Dream Whip
1 pkg. Cream Cheese
1 tsp. Vanilla
1/2 tsp. Almond Extract
3 tsp. Butter

Melt Butter and cream cheese, throw in mixer add vanilla, almond extract, dream whip and powdered sugar.

I sometimes like to add 1 TBSP Orange Juice, and 2 TBSP sweet condensed milk to make the frosting taste somewhat like the sweet tooth fairy's I just need to figure out how to make it thicker!

1 comment:

Amy C said...

These look SO yummy!! I need to make cinnamon rolls again, I haven't since AZ. But most of the reason why is because it takes all day. I should try this recipe since it only has to rise for 30 min. Thanks for sharing!